- rattle your dags
- торопить, спешить, понуждать, ускорять (процесс, рост и т.п.)
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
rattle your dags — I Australian Slang 1. get a move on; 2. hurry up! II Kiwi (New Zealand Slang) hurry up; get a move on. And from Jeff Law...The expression Rattle your dags reputedly refers to a somewhat mucky sheep rattling it s dags (dried excretia hanging from… … English dialects glossary
rattle your dags — hurry up; get a move on. And from Jeff Law...The expression Rattle your dags reputedly refers to a somewhat mucky sheep rattling it s dags (dried excretia hanging from the wool) when running! … Kiwi (New Zealand slang)
Rattle your dags — 1. get a move on; 2. hurry up! … Dictionary of Australian slang
dag — rattle your dags Hurry up, get a move on. Dags are clumps of matted wool and dung which hang around a sheep s rear end. When a daggy sheep runs, the dried dags knock together to make a rattling sound. The word dag(originally daglock) was a… … Australian idioms
Glossary of sheep husbandry — The raising of domestic sheep has existed in nearly every inhabited part of the globe, and the variations in cultures and languages which have kept sheep has produced a vast lexicon of unique terminology used to describe sheep husbandry. A few of … Wikipedia
dag — I. /dæg / (say dag) noun 1. Also, daglock. wool on a sheep s rear quarters which is dirty with mud and excreta. 2. → dag picker. –verb (t) (dagged, dagging) 3. to shear dags from (sheep). –phrase 4. rattle your dags, Colloquial …